Monday, October 02, 2006

GAO slams health savings accounts

In a word, the GAO says health savings accounts (HSAs, pushed by Bush and the GOP) are only reasonable if you're rich, young and don't get sick. Can we now put HSAs into the garbage can once and for all?

HSA-eligible plan enrollees generally had higher incomes than comparison groups, but data on age differences were inconclusive. In 2004, 51 percent of tax filers reporting an HSA contribution had an adjusted gross income of $75,000 or more, compared with 18 percent of all tax filers under 65 years old.

. . .HSA-eligible plan enrollees who participated in GAO's focus groups generally reported positive experiences, but most would not recommend the plans to all consumers. Participants enrolled in the plans generally understood the key attributes of their plan. Few participants reported researching cost before obtaining health care services, although many researched the cost of prescription drugs. Most participants were satisfied with their HSA-eligible plan and would recommend these plans to healthy consumers, but not to those who use maintenance medication, have a chronic condition, have children, or may not have the funds to meet the high deductible.

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