Wednesday, October 12, 2005

High costs of oil it hard this summer...but what's going to happen this winter? Democrats tried unsuccessfully last week to get an increase in funding for a program that helps poor people pay for heating in the winter. The Bush administration doesn't seem to have a plan according to AP: Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman said last week that additional money was "not on the agenda." Department spokesman Craig Stevens, however, said Monday, "I think it's an option on the table."

Then, I saw this quote in that article from a social service program director in Northeast PA and think he is dead on: "This is a life-and-death situation," [Stephen] Nocilla said. "People are going to have to make some very difficult choices."

Once winter starts rolling in, people in Wisconsin -- think "home health patients" who are homebound -- are going to be faced with outrageous home heating bills from oil and natural gas. People could literally die because of this. Is this yet another crisis developing right in front of us while we do nothing...?

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