Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Act now: Cutting programs for the poor is an outrage
After Katrina, Cutting Programs For The Needy Is An Outrage!
Virtually every mainstream national labor, peace, justice, health, poverty, Christian, Jewish, housing etc, groups have endorsed this campaign from the Coalition on Human Needs. Please take two minutes out of your day today to call Congress and let them know that we will not tolerate further cuts in services to the poor.
On October 18th Tell Congress: Responding to Katrina by cutting programs for the needy is an outrage
Some in Congress want to use the hurricane as an excuse to make even deeper cuts in services for people in need and to pass even more tax cuts for the well-off. Many members are saying that we cannot afford the clean-up and rebuilding efforts unless we cut programs that serve the needy -- even as they support tax cuts for the wealthy that cost at least seven times as much as Katrina expenditures. If they can get away with cutting human needs NOW... well, we don't even want to think about it.
Call the Capitol toll-free October 18 and tell Congress to get its priorities straight. Tell your friends and networks that they can call the Capitol using this toll-free number (thanks to the American Friends Service Committee) on the 18th.
Step 1: On October 18, call 1-800-426-8073 to be connected toll-free to the Capitol Switchboard. Ask to speak to one of the senators from your state.
Step 2: When the senator's phone is answered, say:"My name is _____ and I live in [your town/city]. I would like Senator [name] to oppose $35 billion in cuts to Medicaid, Food Stamps and other vital services, and to oppose $70 billion in more tax cuts. The right priorities are protecting people from sickness and hardship, investing in housing, jobs, and other services that families need - not squandering billions on tax cuts for the well-connected."
Step 3: Use the toll-free number in step 1 and call your other senator and your representative. If the lines are busy, please be patient and try again. Or, dial their direct lines (not toll-free) - find the numbers at www.senate.gov and www.house.gov.
Polls show Americans choose aiding Katrina victims over new tax cuts by a margin of 2 to 1.
So what's Congress's reponse? Congress will return to Washington Monday, and many committees will take up legislation to cut spending, targeting at least Medicaid, Medicare and Food Stamps, and quite possibly other vital forms of assistance like the Earned Income Tax Credit, TANF, or child welfare services. Not only that, but Congress is starting to talk about across-the-board cuts in most other programs.
Both your Senators and your Representative need to hear it from you.
Other actions:
Email Congress: Don't Cut Medicaid! Right now, Congressional committees are working out how to make billions of dollars in cuts to low-income services, even while victims of Hurricane Katrina need the most basic housing, health care, and food assistance. Congress will cut Medicaid if they do not hear from constituents.
Email Congress: Protect Services - Vote NO on More Tax Cuts Contact your members of Congress and tell them to oppose permanent repeal of the estate tax or other tax cuts for the wealthy that will imperil services for the most needy Americans.
Join The Online March Organized By The Emergency Campaign For America's Priorities
This is an innovative way to join with thousands of Americans who are telling the President and Congress to put America's families as the first priority.
Go to it.
Virtually every mainstream national labor, peace, justice, health, poverty, Christian, Jewish, housing etc, groups have endorsed this campaign from the Coalition on Human Needs. Please take two minutes out of your day today to call Congress and let them know that we will not tolerate further cuts in services to the poor.
On October 18th Tell Congress: Responding to Katrina by cutting programs for the needy is an outrage
Some in Congress want to use the hurricane as an excuse to make even deeper cuts in services for people in need and to pass even more tax cuts for the well-off. Many members are saying that we cannot afford the clean-up and rebuilding efforts unless we cut programs that serve the needy -- even as they support tax cuts for the wealthy that cost at least seven times as much as Katrina expenditures. If they can get away with cutting human needs NOW... well, we don't even want to think about it.
Call the Capitol toll-free October 18 and tell Congress to get its priorities straight. Tell your friends and networks that they can call the Capitol using this toll-free number (thanks to the American Friends Service Committee) on the 18th.
Step 1: On October 18, call 1-800-426-8073 to be connected toll-free to the Capitol Switchboard. Ask to speak to one of the senators from your state.
Step 2: When the senator's phone is answered, say:"My name is _____ and I live in [your town/city]. I would like Senator [name] to oppose $35 billion in cuts to Medicaid, Food Stamps and other vital services, and to oppose $70 billion in more tax cuts. The right priorities are protecting people from sickness and hardship, investing in housing, jobs, and other services that families need - not squandering billions on tax cuts for the well-connected."
Step 3: Use the toll-free number in step 1 and call your other senator and your representative. If the lines are busy, please be patient and try again. Or, dial their direct lines (not toll-free) - find the numbers at www.senate.gov and www.house.gov.
Polls show Americans choose aiding Katrina victims over new tax cuts by a margin of 2 to 1.
So what's Congress's reponse? Congress will return to Washington Monday, and many committees will take up legislation to cut spending, targeting at least Medicaid, Medicare and Food Stamps, and quite possibly other vital forms of assistance like the Earned Income Tax Credit, TANF, or child welfare services. Not only that, but Congress is starting to talk about across-the-board cuts in most other programs.
Both your Senators and your Representative need to hear it from you.
Other actions:
Email Congress: Don't Cut Medicaid! Right now, Congressional committees are working out how to make billions of dollars in cuts to low-income services, even while victims of Hurricane Katrina need the most basic housing, health care, and food assistance. Congress will cut Medicaid if they do not hear from constituents.
Email Congress: Protect Services - Vote NO on More Tax Cuts Contact your members of Congress and tell them to oppose permanent repeal of the estate tax or other tax cuts for the wealthy that will imperil services for the most needy Americans.
Join The Online March Organized By The Emergency Campaign For America's Priorities
This is an innovative way to join with thousands of Americans who are telling the President and Congress to put America's families as the first priority.
Go to it.